Friday, September 17, 2004

3-2-1 abstract

Man I had 3 1/2 hours o sleep last night did a 3000 word project, another 2 page paper got up went to class, posted my project on line, going to another class, going to work @ 5-11:30, then home to write another 2 page paper on a book that I'm trying to finish after this blog, then get up go to class at nine Friday turn in paper, finish classes @ eleven, go home and nap till three when I have to go to work and then come home to a coma waiting to happen. Send me some well wishes people cause I work again sunday and then I have a test monday. Damn this sucks. Let me feel some good karma comin' my way and it'll come back to ya I swear.Oh yeah, and if anyone can offer a good rubbing for my shoulders then I would probably melt into puddin' and gurrrgle a bit. Thanks.