Monday, November 29, 2004

Bull Pains

So if you see me hobbling around Austin this week then you have plenty of reason to laugh. Last Frday I went to Mex with my dad and after too many beers in one sitting we decided I needed to ride the Mechanical bull at the cowboy bar across the street. The place was half full and we ordered more drinks to be smart. I drank half of my beer before deciding it was my time. Got up there and remembered I needed to grip with my legs as well as my hand. I put in a good 15 second ride before the ride operator got pissed off at the skinny gringo and bucked me off. I waited to do my next ride for two reasons. One, I needed to let the rife operator forget about me for a bit or I wouldn't last 5 seconds the next time and two, because I needed another beer. 15 minutes go by and some LSU students help the bull operator to forget I can ride. I jump back on to a good ten seconds ride before I start getting tossed off to the side. But I wasn't done yet so I hung on to the side of the bull for 3-4 seconds before I right myself back on top. and clocked in another 8 seconds before slipping off the side again and pushing off horazontally. Well little did I know that I don't use my groin muscles that often and that I have damaged myself. I know have inflammed groin muscles and I fear I might have pulled both of them as the pain gets worse instead of better. I am almost limping now as is. Any one have any ideas on how to make it hurt less? Thanksgiving was good and I got to hang out with Atticus when I got back on Saturday and I really miss that kid. Back to school with a renewed vigor, I hope. Hope I don't have to amputate something because of my bull riding capabilities.