So I worked sunday morning after a long night of Partying at my good man Ivan's House and had an alright time. I then went home had a few beers and dressed up like a playing card for a bit. I had to do this for a class sketch @ 5 on a paddle boat on Town Lake. We were all doing Alice in Wonderland bits. It were fun until our boat hit the Congress Bridge. Yup, just floating along wishing the ship serven alcohol only to look over and see that the captain isn't driving any more and the bat narrator is casually talking about well....bats and we are drifting sideways towards the central bridge column. Wait, now the narrator has gone down stairs too and no one is driving the boat? Ok. Hey yeah we are definitly going to hit the bridge. Bang! Yup we did. Then, as it were only a spooky Seven o'clock I walked back to my place to drink more and find out where the parties are at? So I decide to watch a flick at wait till ten to leave my abode. I put on 'Lost in Translation' and found out what a great movie it is. I stopped the movie at an hour in to go on a whim to go get Sake and a couple of bowls of instand udon from Whole Foods. Got the sake but no udon soups per I got to expensive chicken pot pies which are all natural of course but at 5 bucks a pop they better make me a complete person and psycho analyse my cat, too. Oh but wait! I need a pumpkin. By the way folks, I am so completely high at Whole Foods it is ridiculous. Like, I probably should have stayed at home for anothe hour to clear my head but dammit I'm a functional pot head! I have a brilliant Idea for a pumpkin and I haven't carved one this year. That'll be a Good Spooky-Day celebratory thing! Then, I'll go over to Space Dogg's House to chill. Yes, after the movie and the pumpkin...Spacey's place. No pumpkin! HEB: No pumpkin! Well folks, I decided to finish the movie and drink the sake and eat my pot pies. They were spookly-good pot pies but needed seasoning. Am I wrong or should $5 pot pies already taste great and not need me to grab a salt shaker? I got a spooky burnt tongue from the pot pies and drank a tokuri of sake befor realizing I had smoked two more joints. The movie finished I watched all the extras and then realized I had faded myself. I resigned to lay on the couch till someone called for me and asked for my presence and if not lull off into spooky sleepy land place thing. Max-Attax called cuz he were off of work now and I showed him ' Freddy VS. Jason' because I think it is a great horror film with a nice amount of cheeze mixed in. After that I played the Halloween episode of Invader Zim

That was my Spooky-Day Celebration.
I think I was ok with that. My partying on Sat. in my Shaun-o-the Dead costume was enough to tide me over till next time.