Well folks, I leave for Amsterdam and London tomorrow around 4:30 and I'll be back the following Monday at 7pm. I'll miss all of you that I will miss. The others will be vaguely thought about in passing. If you want to chat with me while I'm abroad you can text me but no Calls as those are a buck a minute. I'll call you in a haze, if necessary. I'll have my notebook with me so you can reach me though e-mail, facebook, myspace, and the like. If you want to keep up with my progress here are the bit's I can offer:

My twitter: twitter.com/camkage - this will be frequently updated through the day.
Photos I take in Amsterdam: picasaweb.google.com/Camkage/Amsterdam
feed: http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/Camkage/albumid/5257805343558089889?alt=rss&kind=photo&hl=en_US
Photos I take in London: picasaweb.google.com/Camkage/LundDun
Feed: http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/Camkage/albumid/5258988439145622817?alt=rss&kind=photo&hl=en_US

Wish me luck. I'll see everyone in a week or so.