Monday, July 05, 2004

Can I get a new hip?

I'm doing good here in Austin, and if all goes well I'll have a steady normal job as soon as I'm done with UT. I'm going to Vegas in December! I have one more semester at UT. I'll get paid 30,000 a year. I'm gonna be a pimp I should think. Now if only I could get these little purple things out of my head. I know they're there and they won't stop playing teatherball with my childhood memories. Not only that but they constantly blast this Venga Boys song in my head. You know the one about the bus coming. That song should have never been made. I need to get a fumigator up in there so I can sleep better at night. Any suggestions. Tepidation, maybe? My wrist hurts too and strangely enough it isn't from masturbation. I need a new wrist more than a new hip but I'll take both if you're offering.P.S. I really want someone to get on me about getting my movie list together. If someone would just give me a push or coordinate with me it would be boss. Meh.

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