Which had a piggy theme. Lot's of figures that looked like this:
...and they were all just as gay. I didn't get a good shot of the triple set of breasts on the one statue. I think my camera refused to take the picture. I met Chris's side of the family and mingled. A lovely set of hats were given to Brie n' Chris for the Jamaican Honeymoon.

That nite It was back to Brie n' Chris's for a few bowls and some puppy time. They liked my ears. Yay for puppies.
Ok. So that nite I went to sleep at about 11 and woke up at 3am. I laid there for about 30 minutes listening to music and staring at the wall.
Then I got up and walked around. Listened to a Ricky Gervais podcast.
Then I got really bored.
Like really bored.
Yes, I got this bored.

I went back to bed early when the sun was coming up. I went out to the car to get flowers loaded up and spotted this store across the street and refuse to read it any other way.
The wedding was magical and seeing young people get married and watching the love in their eyes.
I knew that when I made that decision myself it would be life changing. This wedding seemed closer to home than others I have been to.
I realized that I wanted to make "sweet" love with the chocolate fountain.
I wanted to be balls deep in that chocolate flowing love. It was meant to be. I don't have a picture of me doing it because I couldn't figure out the timer in my lustful eagerness.
Afterwards, Mama and I reflected on the mess I created and looked on as the janitorial staff hosed down the area.
We looked good and I hadn't gotten a drop of chocolate on my jacket. Say what you will about me raping chocolate fountains at wedding receptions, at least I look classy after.
I caught the garter twice. Once it was passed to me by an sneaky bastard looking to pass off the wedding sentence. The second time it went straight into my had when I held it there.
Mama helped me prune my beard back to normal after a random growth appeared.
Drove home Mon. morning with little fanfare and a small hangover. Worked 1/2 assed and left when the bell rang. Fun weekend. Did some dancing saw some people who loved each other take the dive. Reflected on my me-ness. It was nice. Except that it was in Fucking Houston! Don't ever do that to me again. Sorry Ivan but Houston can suck my balls till their apple red.
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