Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My pants!!! Dear God MY Pants!!!!

So I am feeling a bit like a loser right now. Some of my friends have dropped off the face of the earth and I don't know why, I dropped a class and now have to shell out 300 bucks for a distance learning course, I am starting to feel like the ladies don't want me anymore, I broke sky's heart(or whatever it is she has in there(a weather vane)), and I can't keep my house clean no matter how hard I try. I feel like I'm back sliding on the slip-n'-slide of life. I don't want this depression again but I need to pick myself up and go do some job interviews today. If I can secure a job then at least I'll feel worth something. You know what? That's exactly what it is. I feel worthless to everyone right now and I really just want to feel needed. I will probably shove a Barry Manalowe Record into my head as punishment for being so lame. Wow. I really suck and I can't get used to it.

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