Friday, October 22, 2004
testicils of hate!!!
Believe it or not folks but there are times when I really hate my testicles. I hardly ever hate my penis because it's not his fault I get horny. That blame belongs to the two guys in the hammock that keep egging him on. I went to the DJ Krush show
last night(for those that don't know he is an awesome Japanese hip-hop dj) and I got really fed up with the two bastards. Here I am out on a night alone for the first time in months, trying to meet people and just enjoy the music. No one I knew was there so I allowed the music to take me a bit and I danced some. Those who know me have seen me dance little those who don't know me have seen me dance alot. But instead of me just simply enjoying the music and grooving for a couple of hours, I keep wondering if the girl dancing next to me keeps bumping into me on purpose or is she just caught up in her own blazing disco inferno? Also, are the two girls that moved in front of me during the break there because they wanted to step up closer to me or are they just doing the music thing too? What about that girl over there? She might be.... No Nothing Nada. I should have just enjoyed rthe music but instead my head keeps going back to girls. In the end I left without saying hello or breaking the ice at all because that is how pathetic I am. I agonize over this shit and then do nothing because I'm so fucking lame. I then went over to my favorite bar, The Ritz, to have a few less expensive drinks and unwind from the beats. So as I walk all the sugar plumbs are dancing in my head, saying things to me that might be considered promising. Maybe there will be a cute girl who approaches me tonight or I will see that some gal digs me and I can work up the courage to ask her. No Nothing Nada. I see girls who lock eyes with me and all I can do is smile and nod and pass them by. I'm so fucking pathetic. I end up sitting at a table alone until they yell last call. When I proceed to the door and walk home. I really wish that my wild out going personality carried over to other environments besides with my friends. I am alot of fun and great company but I can't say "HI". I just thought I'd take a moment to tell every one how disappointed in myself I am. I can't say 'hi'. How fucking hard is that to do? How fucking lame!

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