Thursday, October 28, 2004

!Si! ?Yo Soy Enrique?

So, I went to The Ritz
last night to relax after way too many hours in the computer lab yesterday. I was bored just drinking so I started playing pool on my own cuz it was free. After 3 games where I lost to my self severly, and won by a narrow margin, some people approached my table because they noiticed mine was free. They wanted to play too but I was just fuckin' around so I said ok but I suck tonite. They insisted on doubles but the people I were meeting weren't there yet so I said ok. I needed a partner and they picked one out for me. My partner turned out to be this drunken guy in his late twenties who had a hard time keeping his eyes at half mast. He walked up to me and said,"So, you're Enrique, huh?"..... Yeah he said this. I said," You got it, man. You ready to be down with the Enrique?" Not only did this guy play better than me in his state but he started calling me 'Strykah', too. So here I am playing pool with complete stranges loosing my ass and being called Enrique. We lost the first round miserablely so Our Drunken Boxer of a pool player orders he and I shots to get our courage and focus up. We won the last two games simply because the other team tippy tapped the eight ball into its home prematurely. All the while afore that talking shit about us. The worst part of it all was that I felt worse for the drunky who had me as a partner. My gal Erica showed up in time to help me ditcfh the game grab a slice of Hoek's and drink a few more pints over some badly played games of pool and air hockey before we parted ways. I got home @ 1:30, smoked a bowl, drank a 1/3 of a coke, put on the first episode of Red Dwarf, the BBC series, and passed out on my floor before it was over only to wake up at four and walk to bed. This whole going out on my own thing is getting to be more interesting. Tonight I will be meeting a new gal and going to the Ritz for $2 pint nite and getting a free Ritz shirt from my Gal Pal Jillian.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Burn Me Right there

So without my beard I feel like I've lost my compass in life. I wander around aimlessly through the desert wastelands of beardlessness until I come upon a wise old man who has an enormous and beautiful beard. He looks right through my soul because I have no beard to protect me and sees my inner beard. He tells me to let it out and be free. So I'm growing it out again until the next job interview. Be Kind Please Rewind. So I had a Casino Burger last night and loved every moment. It is like a pure hedonistic delight to sit there burning my mouth on a hot Buffalo Burger and explosivo chicken wings. A couple of New Castles later I am a complete person. It is a pleasure pain thing. If you haven't had a casino burger yet then please contact me for an outing as soon as possible.
Casino El Camino!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Sampson and the Capitol

So I have shaved off my beard once again but this time for a purpose. They don't hire people with facial hair at the Capitol! Bastards! Not only that but I am currently on my third day of sobriety so as to pass the drug test they probably won't give me on Tue. No Caffeine, No Alcohol, No Weed, Not even a cigarette to keep me company. So I am doing alright under the circumstances but damn it sucks to have a day off like yesterday and not get to enjoy my vices. Thank Omni that I don't get random drug tests there. Only the one time and then I am back. Well I want my beard back cause now I feel like I'm 18 again and I don't have any want to stay on the wagon of sobriety any more than I have to. Any of you who ever wondered what it is like to hang out with me while I'm sober should give me a call. It is a bit different when I can't sedate my self and repress all my energy. Hope you all have a good time with your sins. I'll be back soon.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Cock blocked out!

Well every one Cunt Face lived up to her name and kicked me off my 'myspace'. I changed my password so she would stop checking my mail and then she went ape shit and changed my email address log on so that I have no idea how to get on to my page then proceeded to delete it. Hope she feels better about herself. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. I hope this person really finds this amusing as I know she will. Maybe next time I should be nicer to my friends. Oh wait I was and they dicked me without a word. Great! As tou can tell it took me almost 2 hours to recreate my page, including all my blogs. Oh well. Needless to say I won't be using a friend to build a site for me again. I am just sorry that we couldn't work things out but cunt and douchey refuse to talk to me. Sad.

CHEERS to all the good times we had you bastardsI will miss them!

testicils of hate!!!

Believe it or not folks but there are times when I really hate my testicles. I hardly ever hate my penis because it's not his fault I get horny. That blame belongs to the two guys in the hammock that keep egging him on. I went to the DJ Krush show last night(for those that don't know he is an awesome Japanese hip-hop dj) and I got really fed up with the two bastards. Here I am out on a night alone for the first time in months, trying to meet people and just enjoy the music. No one I knew was there so I allowed the music to take me a bit and I danced some. Those who know me have seen me dance little those who don't know me have seen me dance alot. But instead of me just simply enjoying the music and grooving for a couple of hours, I keep wondering if the girl dancing next to me keeps bumping into me on purpose or is she just caught up in her own blazing disco inferno? Also, are the two girls that moved in front of me during the break there because they wanted to step up closer to me or are they just doing the music thing too? What about that girl over there? She might be.... No Nothing Nada. I should have just enjoyed rthe music but instead my head keeps going back to girls. In the end I left without saying hello or breaking the ice at all because that is how pathetic I am. I agonize over this shit and then do nothing because I'm so fucking lame. I then went over to my favorite bar, The Ritz, to have a few less expensive drinks and unwind from the beats. So as I walk all the sugar plumbs are dancing in my head, saying things to me that might be considered promising. Maybe there will be a cute girl who approaches me tonight or I will see that some gal digs me and I can work up the courage to ask her. No Nothing Nada. I see girls who lock eyes with me and all I can do is smile and nod and pass them by. I'm so fucking pathetic. I end up sitting at a table alone until they yell last call. When I proceed to the door and walk home. I really wish that my wild out going personality carried over to other environments besides with my friends. I am alot of fun and great company but I can't say "HI". I just thought I'd take a moment to tell every one how disappointed in myself I am. I can't say 'hi'. How fucking hard is that to do? How fucking lame!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Why, my monkeys? Why?

I am getting organized after a rather traumatic visit with my dad. I am taking care of my warrant, time warner bill, and I bought a filing cabnet and have filed all my papers in the apartment. That filing cabnet thing is amazing. All the loose papers, drawings, notes, bills, school crap: all in one place. Let's hear it for Organization. Hopefully a new A.D.D. drug for me on the way. Any one know someone for me to take out for dinner/drinks/ and a movie at my place? Lookin' for some one new. Dating is constructive and healthy, right?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My pants!!! Dear God MY Pants!!!!

So I am feeling a bit like a loser right now. Some of my friends have dropped off the face of the earth and I don't know why, I dropped a class and now have to shell out 300 bucks for a distance learning course, I am starting to feel like the ladies don't want me anymore, I broke sky's heart(or whatever it is she has in there(a weather vane)), and I can't keep my house clean no matter how hard I try. I feel like I'm back sliding on the slip-n'-slide of life. I don't want this depression again but I need to pick myself up and go do some job interviews today. If I can secure a job then at least I'll feel worth something. You know what? That's exactly what it is. I feel worthless to everyone right now and I really just want to feel needed. I will probably shove a Barry Manalowe Record into my head as punishment for being so lame. Wow. I really suck and I can't get used to it.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

ship shape like Titanica

Current mood: content
The first night of anime went over well and I have hooked everyone on to it now. Naruto is officially a hit! I am drinking too much every night and I just found out that my bitches are moving to Canida without even telling me about it. I am treding water at school just barely but I think I can juggle it. I am coughing up a lung every so often cuz I am sick right now. Some news of interest, Hope the OM of Amy's Ice Creams wants me back but my year away from Amy's isn't over yet. I would go back there in a heart beat. I am on a kick where I like to sing the chorus of "private dancer" to Max at work in the 'Tina' voice but I don't think I see anything too wrong with that. I put up new pictures which should excite exactly no one but me and my monkey. Until the next time people, "I'm dancing like a monkey! Monkey Dance!"